Catholic Dating couple in the park

Although religion doesn’t play a big role in choosing a partner, it can affect how your relationship will develop. Catholic dating is a unique journey that involves spiritual and moral aspects. Everyone has their own principles and when you meet someone who has a different faith, you will have to accept or reject it. If […]

Valentine's day gift ideas for her

”What should I gift my girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?” With the approach of one of the most amazing and romantic holidays of the year – Valentine’s Day, many guys are starting to think about gift ideas for valentine’s day for her. If you are sure she is the one for you, you should keep your

Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas For Her: A Complete Guide on How to Choose PresentRead More »

dominant girlfriend

Some time ago, the phrase dominant girlfriend sounded really strange. Women didn’t have the right to vote or express their opinions. Men were considered leaders in the family, and their word was the last in any discussion or argument. Women were expected to do householding chores, look after kids, and meet their husbands at home

Dominant Girlfriend – What is Dating a Woman in Control Like?Read More »

dating anxiety

If you have been absent from the dating stage for some time, then you may easily understand the phrase “I have dating anxiety”. Many women and men feel a little bit nervous before scheduling a romantic meeting, and it is quite okay. Still, some of them absolutely can’t cope with overwhelming emotions that prevent singles

Dating Anxiety – Everything You Should Know to Change ThingsRead More »

Dating vs Relationship

Those who somehow interact with the opposite gender often ponder over the question of “What is dating vs relationship?”. Although these concepts may sound similar, they have absolutely different meanings. Even if it seems to you that you’ve built a serious connection with your partner, it is necessary to know how to find a difference

Dating vs Relationship: Top Distinctions to KnowRead More »